Tel: 058 54054
Mobile: 086 8069338
William Scanlan DairyTech is a Dairy
Technology Solutions Business who exceed
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Drafting System (Smart Sort Gate SSG)

A well functioning barn is essential in the success of every DeLaval voluntary milking system. Cows must be able to milk regularly at any time of the day or night – while having good access to the feeding and resting areas.


Core benefits

  • Gives full control over cow traffic
  • Reducing cow-fetching time

Simplicity and flexibility

Cows quickly learn how to use DeLaval Drafting Gate. It becomes part of their natural routine and will save you hours of unproductive cow fetching time. Cows can access the milking, feeding or resting areas of the barn at the right time. DeLaval SSG can deliver more milkings per cow per day, with more regular milking intervals – providing higher milk production and better cow health. Benefit from a professional barn layout today.

Built-in cow traffic control

Use DeLaval SSG to manage your cow traffic in real time right. Enjoy unbeatable flexibility and control by creating rules that make the system work the way you want it to. The generated reports provide you with valuable information on cow behaviour in the barn, to assist your management decisions.

With DeLaval Drafting you can sort your cows from anywhere. When you're milking in the parlour and see a cow needs attention – for lameness, an inflamed quarter, or a drop in milk yield – you can sort the cow immediately from any milking point controller (MPC).

Our Services

Call our team at William Scanlan DairyTech to advise you on Dairy Equipment Design, Planning & Installation. We align our service and product delivery with your business needs.
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Milking Systems

View DeLaval Milking Systems worldwide. At William Scanlan DairyTech, we bring world class dairy technology to your farm.
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Parts & Supplies

Visit our DeLaval stores in Cappoquin and view our large range of products from Farmware, Spare Parts, Pressure Washers, Cow Mats to Cattle Handling Equipment.
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William Scanlan DairyTech
Cappoquin, Co. Waterford, Ireland.

Post Code: P51 AFP6

Phone: 058 54054    Mobile: 086 8069338